Wednesday, October 30, 2013

But what if...?

When in debate about the morality of homosexuality, one of the most common things that is meant to silence opposition  is the question "What if your son/daughter/etc was gay?"  Naturally, for many of us this would in fact be a difficult and shocking situation, and certainly one worth considering.  However, it isn't nearly as difficult to deal with as many people think.
What would we do if one of our loved ones were an alcoholic?  Would we shun them, keeping them out of our lives because of this fault, this burden that they bear?  Most likely not.  We would love them, pray for them, help them find their way out of their sin and at least get to the point where they can manage the struggle.  Homosexuality can be treated in much the same way.  We continue to love those who suffer from Same Sex Attraction and to pray for them.  Where possible, we can help them with their struggle.
Naturally, this will not satisfy those who see nothing wrong with homosexuality.  But it does serve to illustrate that we are in fact thoughtful people who are not capable of loving those who disagree with us, that we can in fact hate the sin and love the sinner.

Sunday, October 20, 2013


Greetings!  The conference is quickly approaching and we have secured funding and the work is certainly getting out.  All we need is your participation!  To that end, we have placed the registration form on the site.  Just hit the tab at the top of the site, print it out and send to the address on the form.  Or you can email it to

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

An Ecumenical Conference

People who attended or have looked into the previous culture of life conference might notice one or two differences.  One is that the first speaker is a Protestant and another is that the venue is at a Christian Reformed Church.  This is in contrast to the previous conference which featured all Catholic speakers at a Catholic venue.

The truth is that we always wanted to be ecumenical and yet not compromise our Catholic teaching.  There are numerous areas where this is not easy.  However, the major culture issues that have plagued our nation for several decades now provide an area where Catholics and Protestants of many kinds can find common ground against the militant secularism that surrounds us and with the push for homosexual marriage and the HHS contraception mandate threatens some of our most cherished liberties.  As such it is important for all Christians to offer a response to these challenges.  And it is our firm belief that that response should not only be negative in the sense of stating our opposition and some reasons for that opposition.  Rather our response should also be positive, reminding our culture of the beauty of Christian marriage and family life lived in its fulness as Christ intended and the positive effect it has on the wider society.

With all of this mind, we invite all Christians and non-Christians who wish to understand the Christian teaching on marriage and family for fully to come North St. Christian Reformed Church in Zeeland this November 2.  There we will get beyond the slogans and sound-bites and into the real roots of Christian teaching on marriage and family, the cornerstones of civilization.

Monday, September 30, 2013

What is the Purpose of this Conference?

As things finally are falling into place for the next Culture of Life Conference, I thought it might be a good idea to think about just why we've spent so much time and effort trying to get this together.

Seeing a conference on Marriage and Family in the present climate, one may well be forgiven for thinking that the primary purpose is political, attempt to energize the faithful to go out an influence elections.  Or perhaps it is an attempt to circle the wagons, a last attempt to hang onto outmoded teachings before the force of law and external societal pressures force an inevitable retreat.
As anyone reading this post might well imagine though, this is far from the whole picture.  Certainly, we hope that there is a political consequence of this conference and certainly there is a great need to protect Christian teaching on matters of marriage and family due to the nature of the culture right now.  But this is only part of it.
This conference is actually the second in a series of conferences meant to look at the most controversial topics of our day from a perspective rooted less in the present controversies and more in the roots of doctrine as taught by the Catholic Church and some of the more conservative and orthodox Protestant denominations.  The goal is to reach beyond the sound bites and get to heart of the matter.  What do we really believe as Christians and why?  Where does this teaching come from?  How has it developed over the centuries?  What has been the effect on society?  These are the questions we hope to touch upon, if not fully answer with this conference.  At the end of it we hope that you come away better informed about how great the teachings of our faith are and how when lived out fully they help to build a just a peaceful society, how they truly are the foundations of a Culture of Life.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Conference Postponed

Greetings and a blessed Holy Week to all.

We regret to inform you that we are moving the Culture of Life Conference back to the fall of this year.  The reason for this is simple - funding or rather a lack of it.  Due to a number of reasons and unforeseen complications we were simply not left with enough time to properly promote this event.  We hope to reschedule for September of this year.
Also, if you have already registered, you will be contacted in the coming days to determine if you would like a refund or would like for your registration to count for the fall.

God Bless!

Monday, March 18, 2013

Culture of Life Conference - More Details

Here some of the basic details of the upcoming conference.  First off the where and when.

The conference will be held in the Ballroom of the Wege Center at Aquinas College in Grand Rapids, MI.

The date is Saturday, April 20 and the doors open at 8 AM with the conference beginning at 9AM and going until 2PM.  In addition to lunch there will of course be basic refreshments available.

Now of course, you will want to know the speakers and the topics they'll be speaking on.  And in order, we have:

  • President of the American Family Association, Gary Glenn - The Modern Attack Against Marriage and Family   
  • Father Vincent O'Malley of St. Lazare's Retreat Center - Christ's Teaching on Family and How it  Built Western Civilization
  • Dr. Dennis Marshall of Aquinas College - The Church's Teaching on Marriage and Family Since Vatican II   
  • Mark Shea - The Family as an Image of the Trinity
 And there you have it.  Don't forget to click on the registration link to the right to sign up before April 10th to secure your spot! 

Monday, February 25, 2013

Registration and a Major update!

We've been working hard make this conference even better than the last one and to that end, we've secured a fifth speaker, Monica Miller!  She is a growing voice in the Pro-life community and a welcome addition to our conference!.  We'll be posing a bio of her and all our speakers in the coming weeks.

So, you've probably been wondering how to sign up for the Culture of Life Conference.  Well, at long last, here is the answer. 

Simply send a check payable to KofC 7115 to 165 Lake Forest Dr. Holland, MI 49424

Include your name, how many will be attending and what your menu choice is and you'll be all set!.

Menu Choices

The Saint:  A sandwich with turkey, cheddar cheese, avocado and dijonaise, lettuce and tomato.

Portabella Wrap:  Portabella mushrooms, red peppers, provolone cheese, and vegetable spread.

Caesar Salad:  Grilled chicken, romaine lettuce, romano cheese Caesar dressing.

And of course pricing.  If your payment is sent before April 10 the price is :

Adults:  $30

Students: $15

Clergy:  Free

If after that or at the door, the price will be

Adults:  $40

Students:  $20

Clergy:  Free

Lunch also is not guaranteed if you pay late.  We'll order some extras but they'll be offered on a first come-first-serve basis.  So, as you can see, it is a good thing to register early!

For any questions, call Eric Postma at 616-566-7932

Sunday, January 27, 2013

We're Back!

Greetings everyone!  Vivat Jesus!  It has been more than a little while since the blog here has been active.  But we are finally recharged and in fact have been working hard behind the scenes organizing the next Culture of Life Conference. 
As a matter of fact, this post serves to provide the first major update for the conference.  So, scroll down for the goods.

2nd Annual Culture of Life Conference:  Marriage and Family - Cornerstone of Western Civilization

Date:  April 20, 2013

Place:  Aquinas College, Wege Center

Speakers:  Former Senatorial Candidate Gary Glenn - The Modern Attack Against Marriage and Family

                 Father Vincent O'Malley of St. Lazare's Retreat Center - Christ's Teaching on Family and How it
                                                                                                        Shaped Western Civilization

                 Dr. Dennis Marshall of Aquinas College - The Church's Teaching on Marriage and Family Since
                                                                                 Vatican II

                 Blogger and Author Mark Shea - The Family as an Image of the Trinity

Price:  Adults - $30

          Students - $15

          Clergy - Free

And yes, lunch will be provided.  Details on that to follow soon.

So there you go!  Stay tuned for more.


Friday, March 30, 2012

More on the HHS Mandate

Update on HHS Mandate and Federal Government’s Attack on the Catholic Church and All Religions

Topic: Where we are, and where we are going.
Followed by Q&A.
Presenter: Fr. Vincent O’Malley, CM
When: April 4, Wednesday
Where: St. Lazare Retreat House
Time: 7-8 PM
Cost: A couple of prayers

RSVP: Seating and Standing space is available for the first 75 people.
Please leave your name and number of people attending with you.
Email is preferred:
Phone: 616-842-3370, ext. #1

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Religious Freedom Rally in the Works!

1st Annual Freedom Of Religion Rally
12 noon to 1:30 p.m.
rd, 2012---Calder Plaza, Grand Rapids Michigan
March 23

Monday March 12th, 2012

For Your Information:

I am organizing a protest Rally against the Abrogation of Religious Freedom and Freedom of Conscience as guaranteed under the 1st Amendment of the US Constitution. The Event is called the 1st Annual Freedom of Religion Rally.

This is part of a Nation-Wide effort to have citizens gather peacefully at Federal buildings across the United States on Friday March 23rd, 2012 at 12 noon to protest the Federal Health & Human Services Mandate for all employers including religious institutions to provide types of health care services that may violate that person or business or institutions conscience or beliefs.

The nation wide event was originally conceived by the Pro-Life Action League in cooperation with the Citizens For A Pro-Life Society. Since then many other pro-life, religious, civic and business groups have joined the cause to protest abrogation of Religious Freedom and Freedom of Conscience.

We are currently seeking Sponsors, Donors and speakers to make this an effective and eloquent event.

We will be gathering at the NE corner of the Calder Plaza in downtown Grand Rapids, Michigan from 12 noon to 1:30 p.m.

This event will feature numerous speakers including ministers (from various denominations), private citizens, and representatives of various sponsoring groups as well as some recorded and live patriotic music.

We also will have several individuals walking around the Federal Building just north of the Calder Plaza with protest signs. We hope to have some positive Media Coverage of this important event.

If you are interested in learning more or possible becoming a donor or sponsor or speaker please contact me at:

Steve Redmond, MPA
Grand Rapids Event Organizer

(if you don’t reach me at this number try my cell phone or an e-mail----my answering machine is faulty)



The only thing necessary for evil men to succeed is for good men (and women) to stand aside
and do nothing ! Please become involved and support this important peaceful event to seek restoration of
Religious Freedom and Freedom of Conscience in America.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Religious Liberty and Right to Life Events

Here are a couple more events in the near future. There is certainly a lot of activity on this issue lately and for good reason.  The more awareness there is of the gravity of what the present administration is trying to do, the better.  To that end, here is some information on another event to promote that awareness we so desperately need:

Fr. Vincent O'Malley will be speaking at the Howard Miller Community Center on Tuesday March 13th, 2012
from 7-8:30 p.m. on 1st Amendment & Church/State Issues.  There is no cost for this event.

I haven't hear Fr. O'Malley speak but I hear he is excellent!

And here is a link to another event from Right to Life Michigan:

I've heard the speaker on EWTN and she is really good and has quite the story.  The short version is that she survived an abortion.  Now, go check it out!

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Pro-life Movie

Here's a little event that is being put together by the HELP! Pregnancy Crisis Aid Center.  It is a very worth little place.  Check 'em out!

And here are the event details and the trailer for the movie!

Something special is coming to a theater near you. It’s October Baby–a movie with a pro-life message that seeks to remind audiences of the truth that “every life is beautiful.” October Baby tells the story of a young woman who finds out that she is the survivor of an abortion, which sets her on a journey to learn about her hidden past and find her birth mother. In the process, she discovers hope for her future.
You can join HELP Pregnancy Crisis Aid for a private showing of October Baby at Celebration Cinema–RiverTown at 2 p.m. on Sunday, March 25th. Tickets are $10 each, with a portion of the proceeds going to benefit HELP.
Tickets are only available in advance, so please don’t wait–get yours now! Contact us to purchase and pick up tickets, 616-459-9139, 705 Bridge Street NW 49504.
For more on October Baby, go to

Fight for Religious Liberty!

Here is another even I just recently found out about.

Event: A Call for Religious Freedom

On Thursday, March 1 at 7pm, Acton Institute president Rev. Robert Sirico will speak about the implications of the recent mandate for religious organizations handed down by the Health and Human Services Department of the federal government under the Affordable Care Act of 2010.
Rev. Sirico will explain the mandate and the February 2012 revision of that mandate, as well as the Constitutional protections for religion and conscience in the United States.  The implications for Catholic hospitals, Christian schools, and all faith-based organizations will be considered within the broader context of our history and religious tradition.  Father Sirico will be joined in prayer by Rev. Phil Smith, pastor of the Eternal Word Church in Grandville, and Rev. Tyler Wagenmaker, pastor of Beaverdam Christian Reformed Church.
The evening will take place at Ridge Point Community Church, 340 – 104th Avenue, Holland, Michigan. Please use Entrance C in ”The Center.” This event is free and open to the public.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Stop HHS!

A message from Al Kresta!

<iframe width="640" height="360" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Now, go to and get it going!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

The DVD's...

have arrived!  It took a little doing and a couple of extra programs but we now have several copies of the DVD for the Culture of Life Conference available!  We will be working on getting some sort of graphic on the DVD itself as well but we'll see how that goes.  More to come soon!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Status update

We're in the process of taking those YouTube videos of the Culture of Life Conference and converting them into audio and video files that can be turned into DVD's and other things.
There is also a KofC meeting this week in which we'll no doubt be discussing the mandate and what to do about it.

Friday, February 10, 2012

The Mandate etc

By now everyone has heard of the HHS Mandate and Obama's initial double-down on it.  Now he is attempting what Mark Shea called a head fake.  As I heard it explained on NPR, it basically would require insurance companies themselves to cover the contraceptives of a religious employer, rather than the employer himself.  After a little thought, I realized a few things.  The first is that nothing has really changed. No matter what, the insurance company is the one who writes the checks and not the employer.  The only difference here is that the Catholic, Lutheran, Baptist hospital, school, soup kitchen doesn't have contraception as a line item in the insurance policy.   But it is still there.  I'm willing to bet that the cost of insurance will be exactly the same, or even higher for religious employers who object to contraception than for those who think it is just fine.  Why do I think it will be higher?  I'm willing to bet the insurers will up the premiums to accommodate the extra hassle they need to go through.  It will likely not be signaled out as a separate item in the bills they send as that would be too obvious.   More likely, they will simply increase the base fee for all religious employers so as to appear to not be discriminating.  Essentially, the companies will wind up making even more money off of this deal.
Here's another concern.  What about religious insurers who pride themselves on not providing coverage for abortion and contraception?  I can't think of any but I'm sure there are a couple out there.  They're still stuck.
But can't they just not have insurance?  I thought this might be a possibility.  Don't pay for insurance but still give the employees the money that would have gone to the insurance company.  That way the employees can still afford their own insurance.  That'd be great except that there is this health care legislation that recently passed mandating that everyone have insurance.  So if religious organizations don't actually have insurance they still need to pay a penalty to the government. 
At the end of the day nothing has changed and I pray that our bishops and other religious leaders don't back down for a moment.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

From our friends at Cathechical Foundations

Our friends over at Catechetical Foundations passed along a talk the other day.  Go visit their site and check out all three parts.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Pro-life movie

From an email from a friend of mine:

Also, I wanted to let you know that there is a very special film being shown up in Big Rapids on February 10th. I think this is such an important movie for all to see.  Preemie is a 90 min. documentary being shown at an art festival. Nick Kuiper, the movie's producer, is dad to Mollie, who was born several months premature and spent nearly a year at Devos before being released with major medical issues.  Nick documented this journey with Mollie along with a few other families of preemie babies. I have only viewed the trailer, but it seems like this is a very prolife is the website:

It is being shown at a facility called, "Artworks" on February 10th at 7pm.  Here is a link to Artworks so you can see how to get there.

The HHS Mandate

If you're not a fan of this, follow this link.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Praise the Lord!

Shortly before going to bed last night, I got a great email.  The abortion clinic in East Grand Rapids is closing for good!!!!  That means there is only one left in GR.  Now we can really focus our efforts at 320 Fulton next time 40 Days for Life rolls around!

Monday, January 16, 2012

Marching in Holland

I just got back from the local March for Life I posted about last time.  I had gone to the same one last year as well.  It looks like the awareness of the cause for life has increased somewhat over the last year as the crowd was somewhat larger.  Also, instead of a talk, Holland Right to Life changed things up with a play called The Decision.  As one can imagine, it was a play about a young couple unexpectedly pregnant who suddenly are forced to choose between life and abortion.  They did an excellent job of showing the beauty of life, even (especially?) when it is unexpected.  Between that and some rather inspiring music at the end, it was a highly motivating experience and I for one feel a renewed sense of motivation to get work on the next conference and one or two things in between.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Local Marh for Life

Heads up for my fellow Hollanders!

March for Life and Memorial Service for the Unborn Children

January 16, 2012 - 7:00pm - 8:30pm
January 22, 2012 marks the 39th anniversary of the date of the infamous Roe vs. Wade decision of 1973 which legalized the violence of abortion throughout our country during the entire nine months of a woman's pregnancy.  Since that day over 53 million lives have been destroyed by abortion.
Join us on Monday, January 16, 2012 at the March for Life beginning at the NE corner of Centennial Park in Holland (Central Avenue & 10th Street) at 7:00 pm followed by a memorial service for the unborn children at 7:30 pm at Central Avenue Christian Reformed Church.